5 Essential Steps to Take After Being Arrested for a DUI in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania
If you have recently been arrested for driving under the influence in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, it is natural to have countless thoughts and feelings racing through your head. A DUI conviction in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania can have consequences ranging from license suspensions, fines, probation, and even state prison. While this understandably can feel stressful, daunting, and scary, there are a few key steps to follow after you have been accused of a DUI in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania to help begin building your case and defense. The steps are:
1. Hire a Qualified and Experienced Montgomery County, Pennsylvania DUI Attorney
While you have the right to represent yourself and some may believe that an attorney is not necessary for a crime like a DUI, a DUI can be a severe crime and you may be at a disadvantage without representation from qualified DUI lawyer. Hiring an experienced local DUI attorney means you will have someone who knows and will help steer you through the Montgomery County, Pennsylvania criminal court system and laws. This ensures that you have someone knowledgeable who is advocating and fighting for your best interest.
2. Write Down Everything As Soon As Possible
As soon as you have the opportunity, sit down and write down everything that took place surrounding your DUI arrest. This includes the events leading up to the DUI arrest, what took place during the DUI arrest, and anything relevant that happened after. It is crucial that you write down everything that happened surrounding your DUI arrest as soon as possible. The longer you wait, the less accurate your memory and account becomes. If you had been driving under the influence, your memory is already compromised, making it all the more necessary that you write down everything as soon as possible. It is important that you keep this information confidential and to share it with anyone other than your Attorney.
Some helpful tips when writing about the events surrounding your DUI arrest:
3. Private Social Media Settings
As you may have heard your whole life, under the Fifth Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America, you have a right to remain silent. As you may have also heard often on television or in movies, “Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.”
“Anything you say” also includes the things you say, comments you make, and pictures and videos that you post on social media. Social media can provide the prosecutors in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania with your personal posts, pictures, tweets, videos, etc., which they may utilize against you in your Pennsylvania DUI. Anything you post online “can and will be used against you” in the Montgomery County, Pennsylvania court of law. Do not post anything about your case on social media and make sure your social media platforms are set to private.
4. Gather Any Relevant Evidence
Gathering relevant information and evidence can help greatly in your DUI case. Important evidence to gather includes photographs, videos, and witnesses and their contact information. Photographs and videos leading up to, during, and after the arrest may offer valuable information and context that can help bolster defense. Witnesses can also be crucial in helping to build a stronger defense for your Montgomery County, Pennsylvania DUI case. The charging document you will get is called an Affidavit of Probable Cause Police Criminal Complaint. This is will likely be the charging document filed by the police officer in the magisterial district court local to your area. You are entitled to a copy of the Affidavit of Probable Cause Police Criminal Complaint and it should state the charges and the information the officer, or the Commonwealth, believe support the charges.
5. Relax and Stay Calm
Your DUI case might be one of the most stressful events that has ever happened in your life. Although it may understandably be difficult, you need to try your best to relax and stay calm. An experienced and well-versed Pennsylvania DUI attorney can help you navigate the Montgomery County, Pennsylvania criminal court system, explain to you your options, and alleviate your stress.
If you are facing a Driving Under the Influence, DUI, in Montgomery County, or any other county, in Pennsylvania, then you need to contact CDM Law, LLC at (610) 994-0281. CDM Law, LLC is dedicated to elevating expectations and delivering results. We have former a DUI Prosecutor with the experience and skills that you need and can trust. We are here to help you throughout the process of your DUI case.
Disclaimer: This is not legal advice, you should consult with an attorney prior to making any legal decision. This content does not create an Attorney-Client relationship.
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